Live a Rich Life - Discover Meditation
Discover Your Authentic Self and Live in Courage, Purpose and Joy

A Two Day Feast of Music, Dance and Devotion
Love, Laughter and Celebration
Silence, Prayer and Meditation

More Acclaim from Students

As a CPA and also with a sister who has been into meditation for over twenty years, I expected to sit in the room and chant some kind of a “mantra” for two days.  However, I was surprised and delighted with the experience.  I learned many techniques I can incorporate into my everyday life. They help me stay focused on the task at hand so that I can complete it. I now feel more productive, happy and relaxed. I also learned to allow life to be more fun, easy and enjoyable. Thank you for a very enlightening two days and for helping me open up even more.”
- Jim Parks, Denver,Co

Thank you for a wonderful, inspiring and educational weekend at the Discover Meditation Workshop. I released a lot of tensions from the body and mind and now feel more happy, relaxed and calm My husband Mike said that he felt more focused, productive and confident.”
- Sheri & Mike Drips, Sacramento, Ca

“This workshop is a method to make every moment in your life more meaningful and enjoyable.”
- Chris Nessier, San Rafael, CA

“I learned that my previous understanding of what meditation is was very limited and constricting. I thought meditation was only just sitting there in discomfort. Instead I learned innovative, fun, expressive and active techniques to integrate body,mind,spirit and emotions and reach a deep, still place inside myself.”
- Helen Schweitzer, Sausalito, CA

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Date: TBA
Location: San Francisco Bay Area

Pragito Dove has helped tens of thousands of people to transform their lives through her Discover Meditation Programs, books and CDs. Based on her best-selling book and infused with her energy, wisdom and compassion, Pragito guides, encourages and inspires you to create your life according to your authentic vision.

Office phone: 415.925.9533

