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Discover Your Authentic Self and Live in Courage, Purpose and Joy

Pragito Dove

Lunchtime Enlightenment

"I highly recommend this extraordinary book."
- Margot Anand, author of The Art of Everyday Ecstasy

Meditations to Transform Your Life NOW - at Work, at Home, at Play
(Penguin 2001)


Pragito's bestselling book is also available in India, Australia, Canada, UK, Spain, South America, Sweden, Germany and the Netherlands


"Have you ever heard of expressive meditation? In her book, Lunchtime Enlightenment, Pragito Dove shatters our preconceptions that meditation necessitates sitting in silence and introduces us to a unique range of expressive moving meditation techniques to release physical, mental and emotional stress. These powerful, revolutionary techniques help us break free from our mental and emotional prisons and unleash our energy, creativity and passion. Some of these unusual techniques include laughter and tears, gibberish, dynamic, dancing, and humming We learn how meditation can be used directly to deal with different emotions including anger, love, grief and fear. Dove also teaches a range of simple, easy techniques including: driving meditation, eating meditation, a 30-second STOP technique and a "do what you enjoy" technique, all of which we can easily incorporate into our everyday lives. The Simple Reminders at the end of most chapters key into the topics at hand: relaxing, witnessing, learning patience, trusting our intuition, and cultivating compassion. People who might not otherwise even consider meditation are led to regular practice of this most revered healing art by Dove's gentle and uniquely non-threatening invitations to partake. Amidst this enormous range of meditative activities and techniques, drawn from many traditions, ancient and modern, Lunchtime Enlightenment offers us some new things to try, as well as enhancing the ones we already practice - a perfect tool for deep healing and cultivating self awareness."
- Common Ground Magazine, Winter 2002




The easiest way to answer the question "Why meditate?" is to invite you to try something I do at the beginning of every new meditation class. Here is what you do:

Stand up. Now sit down again.

Now take a deep breath down into the belly, and stand up again. While standing, take another deep breath, and then sit down again.

Did you notice a difference between the first and the second times? Were you more aware of what you were doing the second time? Were you more relaxed, more graceful, perhaps?

The point here is that we can bring meditative awareness and relaxation to any action, even something so ordinary as standing up and sitting down. Meditation can be as simple as breathing, the breath being the bridge between mind and body. Anytime we consciously take a breath, we move from the head down into the body and come more fully into the present moment and into relaxed awareness. It is this mind/body balance that transforms an action into a meditation.

We all have deeply embedded patterns of behavior that we act on unconsciously. We tense when the telephone rings, eat without tasting our food, or jog through the park while our mind is back in the office replaying the conversation we had with our boss or coworker. Meditation is a way of bringing these habitual behaviors to consciousness so that we can, if it's appropriate, gently release them. It helps us relax into our bodies more fully so that we are more aware of what we do and how we feel while we're doing it.

The techniques of meditation are not the invention of any one person or one school. Observers of the human condition in many different places and times have come to the conclusion that people have greater potential for conscious awareness than they generally use. Methods were developed early in India, in the fifth to twelfth century in the Syrian and Jordanian deserts, in 10th century Japan, in medieval European monasteries, in Poland and Russia in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, in India in the 20th century and at other times and places.

Whatever method you choose - and in this book, you will learn many - meditation is a way of getting quiet so that you can notice what's happening inside. If a man wants to break out of prison, he first has to study the layout and routine within the prison so that he can see how he might break free. To break free from stress and the other patterns of behavior that lead to unhappiness, you must first get to know how you function. Then insights and understandings will arise, and a gateway to freedom will open up.


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July 2010

Laughter Meditation 101

Pragito's new book:

"Pragito demystifies meditation for beginners and inspires experienced practitioners."
-- John Gray, author of the #1 New York Times bestseller Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus

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